Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
1 Corinthians 9:7
We offer Online giving for anyone who wants to help support the ministries of Wellspring Fellowship. With this process you can give one time donations or schedule recurring donations from either your checking account or a debit/credit card.
We want to thank you in advance for any gift of worship that you entrust to us. Our commitment to you is that we will do our best to use the funding God has entrusted us with in the most effective and responsible ways. We are accountable to you. Our accounting is reviewed yearly by an outside CPA and we present a finance report openly (every penny accounted for) at our annual membership meeting. We see offerings as God's money and take the stewardship of these funds very seriously. Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you again for your support of Wellspring Fellowship.
Pastor Chris Henderson
To find out more about the company we use for our secure online giving